own the beating of my heart

i'm ashamed of the way your songs and your words

Friday, June 8, 2007

a bedtimes story to give you nightmares

once upon a time, a little girl found a best friend on the playground. together, they ran and jumped and climbed and played. on the weekends, they went to each others houses and played with each others dolls. they were inseparable. then one day, the little girl found out that her best friend in the whole wide world had another friend. her world crumbled.

eventually, she recovered (mostly). she went on to find other friends, but there was never another 'best'. but even so, it happened again. and again. and again.

there was never a happily ever after. just getting sucker punched in the face, over and over. sometimes even literally.

good night. sweet nightmares.


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