own the beating of my heart

i'm ashamed of the way your songs and your words

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

They make my stomach hurt

They make my breath catch, my heart beat faster

They give me that feeling just under my ribs like I can’t quite breathe right and they make me feel lightheaded

They regularly give me shivers down my spine, chills, and that little pricking at the back of my neck, like there is something too much for my body to hold it.

His voice makes me horny, and sad, and uplifted, and powerful.

These boys, all of them, humble me. Inspire me. Make me want more and better and at the same time remind me to be gentle with myself.

Wait for a hospital stay … this never meant nothing to you … at all.

Sleep is overrated, but somehow necessary.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

own my heart

my hands look are aged fifty years in the glow of my laptop screen. i'm like a junkie looking for a fix, trying to find that one Shiny Thing, that golden ticket, that One Ring that will make everything happilyeverafter. but it's just me a the erie glow and my ancient-looking hands and miles to go before i sleep weeks to wait before i can find satisfaction, at least for a moment. and then it will be up and over and around and around and around again, on to the next thing looking for the next thrill next and sooner and more.