dream sleep hope
damn unsustainable anger. maybe i just need to eat. gives way to sadness, sorrow, melancholy. where art thou, dearest heart of my heart, soul of my soul? gone away across the land, worse than water, harder to traverse, takes more effort. i can't not love you and i can't forgive you. limbo-like sorrow. neither saved nor damned, eternity in unformed grey nothingness. worse or better only the one above knows.
everything is going worn at the edges. soon, it will start to shred and crumble, then topple from a great height, smashing onto the sharp rocks below, and they will come with their dinghies and their handcarts and their ropes and salvage anything that is usable and the rest will go to the ocean and will be dissolved into nothingness, to be again reused for those who come after.
not so comforting right now, though.
everything is going worn at the edges. soon, it will start to shred and crumble, then topple from a great height, smashing onto the sharp rocks below, and they will come with their dinghies and their handcarts and their ropes and salvage anything that is usable and the rest will go to the ocean and will be dissolved into nothingness, to be again reused for those who come after.
not so comforting right now, though.